Are you on a Low Sodium Diet and want Soft Water? Don't be afraid you can..........

How much sodium is added to the water by the softener?

That depends on the hardness of the original water. This table shows the additional amount of sodium consumed by drinking one quart of softened water.

   Initial Hardness                       Sodium Added

 1.0 grains per gallon                7.5 milligrams/quart

 5.0 grains per gallon               37.5 milligrams/quart

10.0 grains per gallon               75.0 milligrams/quart

20.0 grains per gallon              150.0 milligrams/quart

40.0 grains per gallon              300.0 milligrams/quart

As a comparison, one slice of white bread has 161 milligrams of sodium; 3/4 cup of canned baked beans = 1130 milligrams; 1 tablespoon of catsup = 204 milligrams; 1 medium frankfurter = 610 milligrams; and 1 cup of whole milk = 127 milligrams. Even a common Alka Seltzer tablet contains 532 milligrams of sodium.


Do I have to use salt to have soft water?

No you can use the salt substitute (potassium chloride). This is just as effective as the regular salt, but adds potassium instead of sodium. The downside is that potassium chloride costs between 3 and 4 times more than the regular softener salt.

Solar & rock salts $6.00-$10.00 per 40lb bag

Potassium Chloride $15.00-$27.00 per 40lb bag

Some people who are on sodium restricted diets think that by having a water softener that one has to use salt tablets to make the water soft. The purpose of this review is to inform consumers of a high quality product to be used as a substitute and this is the Potassium Chloride Pellets.

Having a hard water problem is damaging to your plumbing, your hot water tank, your dishes, appliances, clothes and your skin. The most immediate way to tell if you are experiencing a hard water problem is by noticing white spots on your kitchen faucet or bathroom faucets or dishware. Are your hands rough or constantly scaly? Any signs such as these are a definite hard water problem.


What Makes Water Hard?

Calcium and magnesium are the hardness minerals. Rainwater begins as soft water, free of these minerals, however as rainwater passes over and through the earth, flowing into lakes, rivers, streams and ground water, it absorbs calcium and magnesium. These minerals are not harmful to your health but they do make the water hard.

Solution – a Water Softener

A water softener removes the hardness minerals, calcium and magnesium, from your water. When water with these hardness minerals passes through the water softener, the calcium and magnesium ions are attracted to resin beads inside the softener. In turn, the resin beads release sodium ions. Water without the hardness minerals is "soft." 

Potassium Chloride Pellets – The Salt Free Pellets 

Potassium Chloride Pellets are approximately ½ inch square and come in a white 40-lb. bag with a carrying handle. Potassium Chloride Pellets are designed to be used as a substitute for salt (sodium chloride) for people on sodium-restricted diets. Substitution of potassium chloride for sodium chloride reduces the sodium contribution to soft water by 99% while adding significant levels of potassium.

The pellets contain a minimum of 99.7% potassium chloride and are virtually 100% water soluble, and can be used where sodium chloride restrictions apply.


Will a Reverse Osmosis Drinking water system remove the salt from the sodium softened water?


What is Reverse Osmosis (RO)?

Reverse Osmosis, or RO for short, is the opposite of the natural process by which moisture is taken up by living cells. Root cells of plants, for example, have special cell walls that allow water to pass through them. In reverse osmosis, water is forced against a synthetic membrane using normal city water pressure. Only molecules of water easily diffuse through this unique membrane material, and are collected as pure water on the other side. Impurities are left behind and are rinsed away to a waste drain.

What about minerals? Do Reverse Osmosis systems remove them, and if so, aren't they needed for health?

Many home water devices claim they leave so called "beneficial" minerals in, considering it an advantageous feature. Distillers, on the other hand, claim they remove all "objectionable" minerals and consider it an advantage. Sounds confusing, doesn't it?

The subject of minerals in water is one over which there is much controversy. There is even disagreement among health authorities. To help you decide for yourself, consider the following information:

  1. Minerals in water exist as mineral salts or so called inorganic minerals. Minerals in this form may not be as biologically acceptable to the human body as are the organic forms of minerals found in all food and quality mineral supplements.

  2. Some inorganic minerals are harmful to human health and no water treatment process can differentiate them from inorganic minerals that are not harmful. Examples of inorganic minerals that are harmful are nitrates and toxic metals (lead, mercury and arsenic).

  3. Excess inorganic minerals in water may be responsible for bad tastes, salty tastes and metallic tastes.

  4. Excess inorganic minerals may interact with almost every food and beverage, detracting from its flavor. That's why virtually all packaged beverages, including soft drinks and beer, are made with controlled levels of inorganic minerals to insure the best flavor possible.

  5. The mineral content in water may be much less than the mineral content found in foods. An 8-ounce glass of milk typically contains more calcium and magnesium than 5 gallons of water.

Does Reverse Osmosis remove fluoride from the water? Isn't fluoride necessary to reduce cavities?

Reverse Osmosis systems can remove over 90% of the fluoride in the water. Fluoride occurs both naturally in the earth and water and is often artificially added to municipal supplies because there is evidence it helps prevent tooth decay.

The long-term effects of fluoridation of public water supplies, however, is still a subject of great controversy. Here's why:

Chlorine, for instance, has been used routinely since 1913, but only recently have we discovered this helpful chemical has the potential to generate cancer-causing chemicals (tri-halomethanes or THMS) when combined with organic substances naturally found in water. Fluoridation may have little benefit for teeth after childhood, yet the population can consume fluoridated water from their municipal supply as well as pay for it. Consider too, that only 2% of total fluoridated water is used for human consumption.

Further, there are more prudent alternatives to fluoridating the entire water supply such as the application of fluoride tablets and vitamins that may provide a safe, precise dose to your children.

What factors affect my RO system's performance?

The quantity and quality of water produced by a Reverse Osmosis system are affected by feed water temperature, feed water pressure and total dissolved solids.

Temperature affects the performance of an RO due to the intricate design of an RO membrane. Production is improved as water temperature approaches 77 degrees Fahrenheit (32ºC). Please Note: An RO device should only be installed on the cold water line.

Reverse Osmosis systems are also affected by feed water pressure. As pressures increase so does the rate in which water is produced. Generally speaking, Reverse Osmosis systems should be operated on feed water pressures above 40 psi to provide acceptable performance.

High concentrations of total dissolved solids (poor quality) of the feed water may decrease the life of the RO membranes or require additional maintenance.

How long do RO membranes last?

The longevity of an RO membrane greatly depends on feed water conditions, how well the system is maintained and whether the supply is municipal or well water. On most municipal water supplies, the average useful life of a Reverse Osmosis membrane is 2 to 4 years. In well water applications, RO life may be reduced due to varied water conditions.

What kind of maintenance is required?

The pre-filter(s) need to be replaced every 6 months. Please contact Aquaflow proper maintenance of your Drinking Water System

What can I use Reverse Osmosis water for?

  • Drinking Water

  • Plants

  • Cooking

  • Baby Formulas

  • Juices and Mixes

  • Aquariums

  • Coffee & Tea

  • Batteries

  • Ice Cubes

  • Complexion Care

  • Low Sodium Diets

  • Photography

  • Weight Loss Diets

  • Steam Irons

  • Cleaning Solutions

  • Windshield Washer

  • Humidifiers

  • Radiators


Buyer Beware: Water Treatment Testing Scams of the Door to Door Water Filter Salesman


How safe is your water???